


True family wellbeing is the number one priority for Prair Scriven, mother of two (soon three!), who is also an ambitious entrepreneur managing her own cold pressed juice business in Bangkok. True to the core, “Prest Juice” juices are all made of wholly pressed fruits and vegetables without any additives or preservatives. Venturing into the wellness business came natural for Prair, as she was inspired by the health for her family, combining her passion for nutrition and wholefoods with her creative talents, leading to the launch of her own brand. We sat down and chat how she manages her wellbeing, family and business at the same time. 

"My name is Prair. I am a working mother and I also own a cold pressed juice business called Prest Juice.

I have always been very health conscious. It frustrates me when people don't you know take care of their health and you know just by being so ignorant with what they put into their bodies. What really got me into this was when I was pregnant with my first born. I remember being really concerned, even about the products that were used in my house to clean the house; if that can have such an affect on my unborn child, imagine the things that I am eating everyday

What I like about MYKU is that I can just wear it with anything, I can wear it on a casual day or I can even wear it if I want to be a little bit more dressed up. You know it is not one of those typical massed produced watches that just looks like everybody else's watch .It looks like my juices you know how it is not just like any other juices you can find in the supermarket every bottle every recipe has been given a lot of attention. I like it."

MYKU White Marble Gold Watch Prair Scriven

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