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Did you know?
The golden sarcophagus of King Tutankhamen was richly inlaid with Lapis. In the dry, barren land of the Egyptians, this deep cobalt blue color was a spiritual contrast to their arid desert hues. The gold flecks were like stars in their night-time sky and by meditating on these colors they felt supernatural forces would transform their lives. The garments of priests and royalty were dyed with Lapis to indicate their status as gods themselves.
3 Facts About Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is believed to stimulate the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding, and aids the process of learning.

Lapis Lazuli is a third eye chakra stone that will develop your intuition as well as amplifying and expanding psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities.

Its name comes from the Latin lapis, "stone," and the Persian lazhuward, "blue."
Lapis is considered a rock, not a mineral. It combines various minerals, mostly lazurite, but also contains white calcite, blue sodalite and pyrite which resembles as gold. Top quality lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan where is has been mined for more than 6000 years and still today remains a major source. A strong blue and small veins of pyrite are often prized. Lapis Lazuli was used as a gemstone for millenia by the Egyptians. Powdered Lapis Lazuli was also used as a cosmetic eye shadow, as a pigment and as a medecine. Ancient references to "Sapphire", the sapphirus of of the Romans, usually, in fact, refer to Lapis Lazuli. Its modern name originates in the Persian word lazhuward , meaning blue, and the Arabic word lazaward , meaning "heaven" or "sky". Lapis Lazuli is relatively rare and commonly forms in crystalline limestones as a product of contact metamorphism.
Lapis Lazuli is the traditional birthstone for December. It is also the Planetary stone for Capricorn and the birthstone for Libra. Lapis may be given as a gem on the 7th and 9th wedding anniversary.
Legend & Folklore
Prized for thousands of years, Lapis was a favoured stone in ancient Egypt, where it was believed to lead the soul into immortality and open the heart to love. The royal stone, it was said to contain the soul of the gods.
A metaphysical stone par excellence, Lapis Lazuli is a key to spiritual attainment. Enhancing dreamwork and metaphysical abilities, it facilitates spiritual journeying and stimulates personal and spiritual power. Possessing enormous serenity, Lapis Lazuli is protective. Harmonising body, emotions, mind, and spirit, it brings deep inner self-knowledge. A powerful thought amplifier, Lapis Lazuli stimulates higher mental faculties and encourage creativity. This stone teaches the value of active listening and helps confront truth. Facilitating expressing your own opinions and harmonising conflict, Lapis Lazuli aids in taking charge of life, brings honesty, compassion, and uprightness to the personality. A bonding stone in love and friendship, it dissolves cruelty, suffering and emotional bondage.
Lapis Lazuli has a very powerful vibration.
Lapis Lazuli - The king of stones, the stone of kings

Since the early days of human civilization, Lapis Lazuli, or Lapis for short, has been desired by Egyptian Pharaohs and Roman Emperors. It was Cleopatra’s favorite eye shadow color. It also helped Dutch art Master Vermeer to create his captivating painting Girl with a Pearl Earring, which inspired Tracy Chevalier’s novel and turned into a major movie adaption, starring Scarlett Johansson.

Lapis Lazuli itself is not a mineral, but a semi-precious rock. It is composed of several minerals, mostly lazurite (25%-40%) that gives it its blue coloring. Lapis lazuli is one of the most valuable semi-opaque stones mined for its excellent take on polish to be used for jewelry and ornaments.

The myths surrounding Lapis are amongst the oldest in the world and originate from ancient empires such as Egypt and Byzantium. The best quality of Lapis comes from the Middle East, more precisely in the Badakhshan province in northeastern Afghanistan, where the precious stone has been mined for hundreds of years until today. Despite the geographical distances between these cultures, all of them considered Lapis Lazuli precious, spiritual and powerful.

Lapis Lazuli was a favorite amongst the elites in ancient Egypt, where judges wore amulets picturing Maat, the Egyptian goddess of truth and Pharaohs adoring themselves with this hypnotically blue stone in this life and the next one. Most prominently from this era, the funeral mask of Tutankhamun and his jewellery was richly decorated with lapis lazuli.

Along ancient trade-routes, Lapis Lazuli found its way to Europe throughout the middle ages where it was highly prized and admired for its stunning shades of blue. Its iridescent color let to it use as paint, just like it did centuries ago when Cleopatra used it for cosmetics. During the following Renaissance era, painters would ground the stone into powder, creating the the pigment ultramarine, the finest and most expensive of all blue pigments. Thanks to Lapis Lazuli (and the artists’ talent of course), Michelangelo’s angels fly in beautiful skies in his frescoes in Rome’s Sistine Chapel and Vermeer’s Girl with the Pearl earring manages to captivate us in her eyes thanks to the liveliness of her portrait (creating depth in a painting heavily relies on the use of blue).
Due to its sky-blue appearance lapis has been known throughout centuries as the stone of the gods, send from heaven. In today’s belief, Lapis Lazuli is associated with wisdom, love and healing abilities.
We are truly excited to capture the character of the expressive Lapis in our new series of timepieces. Each Lapis Lazuli paints its very own picture of an iridescent blue night sky, encased in ion-plated gold case.
Behind the scene
All of our products are designed and developed in house, from the initial sketch to prototype. Cutting stones to reveal the inner, layered beauty which takes millions of years to form, requires high precision and meticulous skills from our craftsmen in Germany. Each cut results in a unique stone face. It is then sent to our Swiss partner who carefully crafted every mechanism of the watch. Our close collaborations are built on experience and expertise in different areas alongside a shared passion for detail.
They're wearing Lapis Lazuli
As styled on Instagram
This is my first MYKU and I truly love it, the color is amazing, a pure jewelry. Definitly the beginninng of a long collection! "
Anne Sophie H.

The intense blue colour of the stone enigmatically manifests itself in different shades under different lighting which I personally think is a unique feature that you get from a natural semi-precious stone."
Edwin P.

My fiancé got me the Lapis. I usually don't wear watches but MYKU got me hooked, I don't spend a single day without it now ;)"