
Life under the sea – 10 facts on what it could be like to live under water

Life under the sea – 10 facts on what it could be like to live under water

Global warming – may you believe in it or not – is upon us. As a result of the earth getting warmer, our poles are melting, not a glacial pace, but as fast as no one would have imagined. In result of these meteorological changes, the world’s sea level is rising, posing a serious threat to mankind, especially for habitats below sea level and along our coasts.

So far, you’ve heard all this countless times thanks to environmental activists from Al Gore or Greta Thunberg who “lectured" the adults at the United Nations conference.

What most of us haven’t thought much about is one possible scenario resulting from the global rise of sea levels, colonizing oceans. Hard to imagine without drifting into some sci-fi fantasy, but life under the sea may become mankind’s reality one day. Covering 71% of earth’s surface currently, our oceans are vast lands that have not been conquered yet.

But can humankind live under the water? What do we need for underwater habitation?

Before you go off and pack your snorkel and fishing rod, take a close look at MYKU’s top 10 essential facts on life under the sea. 

Life Under Water

10. Power up

Getting your phone powered is actually pretty tricky, as overall power supply is one of the major challenges for underwater life. How to get electricity running? New technology explores the science of utilizing wave action to generate electricity or alternatively using solar panels and wind turbines along the surface.

 Life Under Water

9. Take my breath away

Great song, but this may become grim reality under the sea, as oxygen will have to be supplied constantly. Current technology includes compressors linked to tubes that deliver air from above to the underwater capsules. Scientists are developing new approaches to make underwater colonies self-sustainable in terms of oxygen supply. One approach could include to develop green-houses underwater, including artificial and natural light, which may produce our air.

Life Under Water

8. Aqua please

A big challenge mankind will encounter is a constant sufficient supply of freshwater. As most of our drinking water comes from sources high up in the mountains, extensively filtered through layers of sediments. Underwater, we’ll have to find different ways to generate freshwater without relying on ‘former’ sources on land. New technologies are developed on the basis of concepts such as condensation or desalinization.

 Life Underwater

7. Fresh meat

All you can eat sashimi? Freshest seafood ever? Rest assured, your nutritional needs and maritime cravings will be met under the sea. Wait – what about a juicy beef steak ‘like in the old days’? According to a Samsung-commissioned study on underwater colonialization, food may come 3-D printed and ready to eat within minutes. It may not sound very appetizing right now but let’s hope science comes up with a satisfying substitute for those grass-fed T-Bones. The Impossible Meat will be the best substitute if we run out of options!

Life Under The Sea

6. A whole new world

This one is as exciting as it is scary. Fact is that only 5% of our oceans are studied and discovered. What lingers in the depth of those remaining 95%? More sashimi? Sea monsters? Time and technology only will tell.

 Life Under Water

5. Bubbles, anyone?

Not quite there yet. Water pressure remains one of the key challenges, hence sci-fi like images of giant glass bubbles housing futuristic colonies may most likely not be what underwater colonialization will look like. It will be a puzzle of smaller structures that can be added or removed as needed to create living space for as many people as needed. Given the immense pressure deep down in the oceans, it seems more feasible that underwater habitats will be build up to 300m deep max. Anything deeper would require thick walls (think bunker) and excessive periods of decompression before anyone could return to the surface.

Life Under Water

4. Happy as a clam

Underwater happiness may be easy for marine mollusks but may not be the case for us humans. Colonizing habitats unknown to man for the first time may bring physiological and psychological challenges that were previously unknown. Some of the effects have been explored in previous studies, especially regarding living in space, which is comparable giving the density of living together. Marine scientists who stayed underwater for up to 60 days have not experienced any illness so far and speculate that life under the sea should be physiologically alright up to 6 months.  


3. Thrash and burn

Garbage is a serious issue when living underwater. Humans produce enormous amounts of waste, which we will have to find a solution to deal with. Hard enough to solve on land these days, few studies exist on how to manage waste if we’d live under the sea. Some scientists would suggest to release it into the environment or cook it down to fine ash. Let’s just hope it doesn’t float by while you’re having dinner.

Life Under Water Floating City

2. Keep moving!

Some scientists suggest that life under the won’t be static, but a modern, underwater version of nomads’ life. Tied to a giant drone engine, communities will be floating and can be moved around whenever needed or desired. These visionary projects would allow mankind to remain in close contact with the surface and enjoy essential needs such as sunlight and oxygen. Replicating or even substituting these needs are some of the key challenges in creating underwater colonies.

 Life Under Water

1. Give it a try – TODAY

Well, very soon. The Polish design firm Deep Ocean Technology is currently developing the world’s largest and foremost underwater hotel in Dubai (UAE), called the Water Discus Underwater Hotel. The hotel will feature an 1000sqm underwater component including 21 double rooms 10 meters below the surface. We don’t know yet about the opening date but you should sure get in touch soon to reserve your vacation. It may not be the real thing but a sure taste of what life under the sea may feel like.

Lapis Lazuli Watch MYKU

Lastly, what will time be like under the sea? Will be there be AM and PM, or will mankind tell time by high and low tide? No matter the method, we’d recommend to pack a couple of MYKU’s latest design to match your new neighborhood. Whether it’s aquatic blue Lapis, Seaweed green Malachite or coral- colored Sardonyx, we got you covered.